

The ability to ride a bike is not only great for fitness, but is also an essential skill that can open up opportunities for older children, giving them freedom to travel further and with greater independence.  To ensure that they are safe when they are ready to venture out on the roads, all children have the opportunity to complete Level 1 and 2 Bikeability.  All cycle training is provided by external qualified coaches.  The offer is as follows:
Learn to Ride
To ensure all children have the opportunity to access Bikeability, prior to sessions starting we utilise a local cycling coach who runs 1:1 and small group sessions for non-riders. Children will be surveyed in advance of the Bikeability sessions and Learn to Ride sessions allocated as required.
Level 1
Level 1 takes place on the playground, typically lasting for around 1.5 to 2 hours.  Children develop basic bike handling skills, such as signaling and braking to ensure they are ready for Level 2.
Level 2
During Level 2, children venture out onto the local roads surrounding the school to put their knowledge into practice.  They will attend two half-day sessions to learn a variety of road safety skills and show off that they can put these into real-life situations.

Biscovey Academy
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