Mrs J Bird
Class Teacher
Mrs S Walters
Class Teacher
Mrs D Seavers
Teaching Assistant
Welcome to Spring 2!
We hope you have all had a lovely half term break.
In VIPERS this half term, we are continuing to read ‘The 1000 Year Old Boy’ by Ross Welford.
The 1000 Year Old Boy reads: There are lots of stories about people who want to live forever. This is not one of those stories. This is a story about someone who wants to stop… Alfie Monk is like any other nearly teenage boy – except he’s a thousand years old and can remember the last Viking invasion of England. So when everything Alfie knows and loves is destroyed in a fire, and the modern world comes crashing in. Alfie embarks on a mission to find friendship, acceptance and a different way to live… which means finding a way to make sure he will eventually die.
This half term, our writing will link to our VIPERS text, with the focus being on suspense narrative. Following this, we will be looking at instructional text and then poetry (Cinquains - Vikings).
We begin this half term by continuing our unit on Decimals and Percentages. Children will read, write, order and compare decimal numbers with up to 2 decimal places and will begin to learn fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents. Following this, we will cover Area and Perimeter before completing our Statistics unit which focuses on reading and interpreting graphs and tables, including timetables.
This half term, we begin our new science topic of Forces. Over the course of the next 6 weeks, we will be covering the impact of gravity, what resistance is and how it works and looking at some famous scientists - Newton and Galileo.
This half term we follow on from our study of the Anglo-Saxons to look at another group of Invaders and Settlers; the Vikings! Our umbrella question is, ‘Vikings; blood thirsty monsters or a civilised culture?' Over the course of 5 key questions, the children will learn about where they came from, why they invaded Britain, why they gained such a bad reputation and if this is rightly deserved based on evidence.
This half term the children will be focusing on the skill of drawing, learning various techniques such as shading, in order to produce a pencil sketch of a Viking.
Basketball is our focus! This half term we will be practicing our team work skills, hand eye co-ordination and passing and receiving. We will start with lots of different mini-games and by the end playing a round robin and basketball games.
Our PSHE topic focuses on 'Rights and Respects' where we will be delving into topic such as British Values, what a good school community looks like and how to manage our own money sensibly.
This half term, our music sessions will link to our History, with a focus on Viking Sagas. The children will listen to and learn some Viking inspired songs, before composing and performing their own pieces.
P.E Kit requirements:
-Sky Blue Biscovey Academy t-shirt
-Navy Blue Biscovey Academy hoody
-Black shorts (black tracksuit bottoms can be worn for outside P.E. when the weather is cold)