
Year 5 Rowan Class

Mrs J Bird

Class Teacher

Mrs S Walters

Class Teacher

Mrs D Seavers

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Spring 1!

We hope you have all had a lovely break and a fantastic new year.

This half term we are looking forward to teaching some exciting lessons, having a range of incredible experiences and getting to experience swimming lessons!


In VIPERS this half term, we are reading ‘Beowulf’ by Rosemary Sutcliff and ‘The 1000 Year Old Boy’ by Ross Welford.

Beowulf reads: Beowulf, a mighty warrior, goes to the aid of the Danish King when his royal palace is raided. With the strength and courage of a true hero, Beowulf battles against the savage monster Grendel and his mother, a hideous sea-hag, before coming face to face with a fearsome treasure-guarding fire-dragon.

The 1000 Year Old Boy reads: There are lots of stories about people who want to live forever. This is not one of those stories. This is a story about someone who wants to stop… Alfie Monk is like any other nearly teenage boy – except he’s a thousand years old and can remember the last Viking invasion of England. So when everything Alfie knows and loves is destroyed in a fire, and the modern world comes crashing in. Alfie embarks on a mission to find friendship, acceptance and a different way to live… which means finding a way to make sure he will eventually die.


This half term, we will be continuing our theme of ‘Anglo-Saxons’ and linking to our VIPERS text with a focus on writing a myth narrative based on ‘Beowulf.’ Following this, we will be looking at non-chronological report writing, with the children producing a report on the Anglo-Saxons. Our third focus will return to ‘Beowulf’, where the children will be writing fact files.


We begin this half term looking at the formal written methods used for X and ÷ whole numbers with up to 4 digits by both 1 and 2 digit numbers.  We will then revisit Fractions where the focus will be on X fractions by integers and finding fractions of amounts.  Following this, we will progress onto decimals and percentages: looking at fraction, decimal, percentage equivalents of numbers with up to 2 decimal places.



This half term, we will be continuing with our focus on Materials: ‘Are all materials the same?’ with a more practical emphasis, applying our knowledge into a range of experiments. We will be looking at reversible and irreversible changes   


This term marks the first of our History topics; the Anglo-Saxons. We start with a ‘wow’ day and a visit from an ‘Anglo-Saxon’ who will introduce various aspects of life in this period. Our umbrella question is, ‘So, how dark were the Dark Ages really?’ Over the course of 6 key questions, the children will learn about why they invaded Britain, the effectiveness of Anglo-Saxon justice, the impact of Christianity and answer the question, ‘Just how ‘great’ was Alfred?’ In addition, they will also become detectives and investigate the mystery of the empty grave!


This half term the children will be focusing on the Textiles element of DT.  As well as practising threading a needle and revising ‘running stitch, they will also learn how to use cross-stitch and appliqué when designing and making a cushion

PE - Dance

This half term we will learn how to express the fierce spirit and teamwork of Anglo-Saxon warriors. Through creative movement, they will choreograph and perform their own war dance, drawing inspiration from historical battle rituals. This exciting unit blends history and physical expression, building confidence, coordination, and an appreciation for the past. On the week commencing 27th January, we will be having swimming lessons at Polkyth for the week.


Over the next five weeks, we will explore the importance of diversity. They’ll discover why diversity enriches our lives, celebrate the amazing qualities that make us unique, and learn how to recognise and challenge stereotypes. Through discussions and activities, students will identify role models who embody the brilliance of diversity and reflect on ways to celebrate differences in their own communities.


We will begin to expand their vocabulary by exploring words and phrases related to emotions. Through interactive activities, and role-play, students will learn how to describe feelings, ask others how they are, and respond with confidence


Over the next five weeks, students will learn what databases are, how they work, and the differences between paper and digital formats. They’ll explore how to search and filter information efficiently and understand the advantages of presenting data as numbers or charts. By discovering real-life applications of databases, students will gain practical skills and insights into how data shapes the world around us.

P.E Timetable:
For Rowan Class, P.E will be taking place on Tuesday morning and Friday afternoon. We ask that children bring their P.E kit in to school for the whole week to get changed at school.

P.E Kit requirements:

-Sky Blue Biscovey Academy t-shirt

-Navy Blue Biscovey Academy hoody

-Black shorts (black tracksuit bottoms can be worn for outside P.E. when the weather is cold)


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