Miss K Vickery
Class Teacher
Mrs S Hales
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Green
Teaching Assistant
Welcome back Cedar class!
Our topic this half term is Cornish Connections! This is a geography based topic where we will use geography lessons to compare the human and physical geography between Truro, Cornwall and Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada! In these lessons we will discuss reasons for Cornish migration and learn to define human and physical geography. We will compare a range of maps and explore different biomes across the world.
In science, we are learning all about sound. We will explore pitch and volume as well as how sound travels to the ear. Children will utilise this learning in computing lessons as they explore how to record and edit sounds as well as record their own podcasts. Throughout this half term, we will look at the work of local artist Joanne Short and have a go at drawing our own Cornish landscapes in our weekly art lessons.
In writing, we will be looking at The Mermaid of Zennor which is a Cornish folktale. The children will explore a range of skills to support them in writing their own folktale. During our second unit of writing, the children will innovate text from Seal Girl, which is a Cornish fantasy narrative.
In Maths, we will be starting this half term with a second unit on Multiplication and Division. Following this, we will learn about length and perimeter. We will also be continuing to develop the children's knowledge of times table facts. In PE, our focus is dance. The children will also be going swimming during this half term. Our other curriculum lessons this half term will be French and PSHE.
P.E Kit requirements:
-Sky Blue Biscovey Academy t-shirt
-Navy Blue Biscovey Academy hoody
-Black shorts (black tracksuit bottoms can be worn for outside P.E. when the weather is cold)